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As much as we to relay on Holy Spirit, the Spirit lead us. (Acts1:23-26)

As much as we to relay on Holy Spirit, the Spirit lead us. (Acts1:23-26)

How God’s promise is come true? By two way, it comes true. It is that praying and working of Holy Spirit. Through the history of church, we can see that. 
Before the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, they prayed and after Holy Spirit came upon them, they continued to pray.
God is driving us to pray. So when you are in difficult situation, you must realize that God is driving you to pray. If you cannot sleep at night, don’t worries, you just pray. 
If you feel fear, or something uncomfortable, you must know that it’s time to pray and just pray.
When we pray, God give us revival. 
120 peoples who watched Jesus came back to heaven prayed during 10 days, after that, the Holy Spirit came upon them. But it’s not a point that they prayed during 10days, so that the Holy Spirit came upon them. It is not matter that how many times and how many days you pray. 
But it is important that how you pray.
They did not pray that, “ Lord please bless me, please help me” during 10days. 
They crucified on the cross their own desire, and their own plan for themselves, and then they only prayed that the guidance of Holy Spirit. 
“Holy Spirit please guide us” 
They desired that Holy Spirit tell them clearly, and Holy Spirit guide them. 
Then God answer them so the Spirit came upon them. 
When we see the Bible, they didn’t only pray during 10days. But they did very important ministry during the praying. They elected one apostle to replace Judah. 
Judah left being disciple of Jesus, so Peter realized that they need to elect one more to make 12 apostles. When we pray, it is very important to look back ourselves and to know what is our weakness and what can we do for that.
You know? God already knows every our need and our requirements, before we pray. Then why sometime we need to pray during 10days, and sometime we need to pray during a month, sometime two months, and sometime 100days, and sometime several years. Why God does not answer right now? Why we need to wait for long time? 
Because we need to be ready before we get God’s answer. Because of that, God let us several time to pray. During the time Holy Spirit touches you, and let you realize something to be mature. And 
He makes you repent your sin. 
During we pray, most important fact is that God creates one desire that “Lord, only you Lord, lead me and make me to live according to your will” from you. 
Jesus will create this strong desire into your heart while you pray. 
And then when the God’s right time, God will give the strong anointing to you and every his church, and your country. 
It is the way that God answer to our praying.
I want to say that your business might go bankrupt even though you prayed for that during 100days, and your church might not able to experience revival even though you prayed for your church during 40days. God doesn’t matter that how many days you pray. It is not very important. 
Some people think that “even though I prayed God not answer”, and they are disappointed. 
Or some people become very arrogance by many times praying. They judge people who couldn’t attend prayer meeting. They became arrogant people because of prayer. 
If you pray by this way, you will experience more disappointment.
Before Holy Spirit came upon the 120 disciples, how did they pray? 
They only desired that only God’s will would be come true, and Jesus alone would lead them, and then they laid down their plan, their own thoughts, and their abilities. And they wanted to be mature. They prayed by this way. And they filled up their lacking. Especially, they elect one apostle.
For that, they cast lots. 
In Old Testament, we can see many times that people cast lot. 
When they wanted to know God’s will, they used to do it. 
When they shared the land for the tribes of Israel, when priests made their due, and when they wanted know who is appointed by God, they used to cast lots. 
On church history, casting lot is used to used by the churches. 
Sometimes, God shows us God’s will by the lot. 
However, this time I don’t want to say it is biblical way or not. 
I want to say that God can use the lots and not use.
The important thing is that 120 disciples decided not to make decision by own their will. But only they did let the God alone makes decision. That’s why they cast lot. They eagerly wanted that may God chose who will be the apostle of the Lord. 
Because of this reason, I can say that they were casting Lot was their prayer.
It is not important that how many days, how many times I prayed for my problem, church problem. But it is important that my thoughts and my judgments, and my desire, I should crucify on the cross of the Lord, and “Lord, please guide me, Lord, please make decision, then I will obey your decision. Making this mind is important. 
If you did that, then Holy Spirit will work in your life, he will do ministry in your life.
You might think that how could they cast lot for election of apostle, that is very important. How come they cast lot for that. Right? 
If the one who could not become apostle don’t accept the result, then what to do? 
If he was lack of his ability than other, or if he got little votes than other, it’s okay. But because of casting lots, if he loses, how could he accept it?
However, the thoughts of people at that time about an apostle were different. 
What was apostle? 
What was the meaning of being disciple of the Lord at that time? 
It is that he got the priority to die for the Lord. 
It is that he got the priority to take the cross for the Lord like Jesus. 
At that time, there were many people who killed Jesus, and they tried to kill the disciples of the Lord eagerly. During the time, if somebody says that I’m disciple of the Lord, then he will be kill first by that people. 
Becoming the apostle of the Lord is to be ready die
When they elected apostle, there were two candidates. 
One was Joseph, and the other was Matthias. 
Bible explains long about Joseph. 
“Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also called Justus…” 
This Barsabbas means that the son of Sabbas. 
Why the Bible says strongly that Sabbas? 
At that time, everybody knows Sabbas. 
At that time he was very famous. So everybody knows him. 
So when they call Joseph as Barsabbas, it means that his family background is very famous. 
And he had another nickname. Justus. It is Roman’s name. 
Justus means that “justice” 
He could judge what is right or wrong. He had that ability. 
So many people among the 120 people respected him, and praised him. So he was strong candidate. 
But, Matthias was addressed his name only. 
He was just ordinary person. He had nothing special to introduce. 
If people voted, of course, Joseph became the apostle. 
However, they didn’t vote according to their will, but they 
 cast lot for that God reveal his will. 
“Lord, when we see, Joseph is very strong candidate, he is good enough to become apostle, but, here is also Matthias. Even though he is not famous among people, however he also was with you. So Lord, please you Judge, you chose one.” (24) 
They prayed like that(24) 
After they pray, they did cast lots. Then Matthias was chosen by the Lord. 
People might be surprised . Because it was totally different with their thought.
anyway when 120 disciples waited the Holy Spirit, they prayed hard, and at the same time they looked back what they are lacking. And they did what they can do for their lacking. And during that time, during the process, they fully depended on the Lord. They did that let God do according to His will. They crucified their own thoughts, their own plan, their own dream, and their know how. Therefore, praying is that denying my will and self-assertion. Crucifying your own plan on the cross is praying. From now, let’s pray like this way. 
While we pray, God is doing something in us for us. 
Therefore, while you pray, you must ask God, “Lord, what do you want me to be changed?, Lord, what is my lacking? What should I do for that?”
There is element of Iscariot Judas in us. 
If people believe God, and serve God by selfish reason, they will betray and leave God someday for themselves. If you believe and pray God only for yourself, for your ambition, you will betray and leave God someday for yourself like Iscariot Judas. 
He left his position as disciple of the Lord, after that, Matthias was replaced. Matthias accepted with thankful heart what Iscariot Judas threw away.
I challenge you, at the beginning time of your prayer, you can pray for your own needs, and for yourself only. But, you have to grow, and God will put you in the process to be mature Christian through your situation. And when you pray, your prayer is not really can get answer what you want easily. Prayer is put down our own Desire, thoughts, and learning to relay on God.

Before God gives us revival, God will purify you and me. 
Before Holy Spirit’s strong work happen to us, God want to see that we fully obey to Him, we fully depend on Him. 
As much as we to relay on Holy Spirit, He will lead us.


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